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National Teams

Olympic Training and Residency Campus

USPC serves and supports American athletes, US National Team members, and National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) of all types – ranging from Taekwondo to Field Hockey – and has developed a novel, world class high performance training & residency program that is designed to dramatically improve the performance of our athletes, including overall physical health, mental health, and personal quality of life.

The United States Performance Center is highly motivated to develop multi-faceted, high-impact partnerships with National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB’s). Our top priority focus is developing full-time residency & high-performance training programs designed and executed to dramatically elevate NGB athletic programs – with the relentless objective of making each NGB and US National Team the most competitive program in the world in their respective sport. USPC prides itself in always being an athlete-first organization.

United States Performance Center Building Legacies About Us image 4 - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Archery image - National Teams

USA Archery

USA Artistic Swimming

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams Artistic Swimming image - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Badminton image1 - National Teams

USA Badminton

USA Bobsled & Skelton

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams Bobsled Skeletonimage - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams ACA image - National Teams

American Canoe Association

USA Field Hockey

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Field Hockey image2 - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Football image1 - National Teams

USA Football

USA Judo

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Judo image2 - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Rugby image - National Teams

USA Rugby

USA Skateboarding

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Skateboarding image - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Table Tennis image - National Teams

USA Table Tennis

USA Taekwondo

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA TID image - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams USA Triathlon image 1 - National Teams

USA Triathlon

US Youth Soccer

United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams US Youth Soccer image2 - National Teams
United States Performance Center Building Legacies National Teams NWBA image - National Teams

National Wheelchair Basketball Association

National Collegiate Boxing Association

Isolation Mode - National Teams
USA Ultimate - National Teams

USA Ultimate